Food Hakodate's Ekini Market R.S. Reynolds I eat breakfast at Ekini Market in Hakodate and enjoy both raw and grilled fish.
Culture Goryokaku Fort of Hakodate Katherine Moore A Western Style Fortress but the site of battle of a very Japanese War. Visit the observation tower to best see its snowflake like..
9 Activities Goryokaku Tower and Hakodate Walk R.S. Reynolds I trek nearly eight kilometers from Goryokaku Park to the Trappistine Convent in Hakodate, Hokkaido
Culture Hakodate's Motomachi Area Matt Stormont A trip exploring the culturally interesting and unique Motomatchi area in Hakodate. An area filled with fine examples of architecture..
Culture The Hakodate Magistrate's Office R.S. Reynolds A visit to the Hakodate Magistrate's Office at Goryokaku Park in Hakodate, Hokkaido
Accommodation Hotel Grantia Hakodate Ekimae Featured A synopsis of my stay at the Hotel Grantia Hakodate Ekimae in Hakodate, Hokkaido
Food Lucky Pierrot Hamburger Melissa Hill Only in Hakodate can you eat that this unique Japanese burger chain. Lucky Pierrot doesn't clown around!
Transportation Hakodate Station R.S. Reynolds A description of the location and services provided by JR Hokkaido's Hakodate Station.