Nikko’s Kegon-no-taki Falls
Tomoko KamishimaKegon-no-taki Falls (華厳の滝) are spectacular falls that show us their mystic beauty throughout the year.
The Kegon Falls are located on Lake Chuzenji in Nikko National Park in Tochigi Prefecture. The 97-meter-high falls are one of Japan's top three waterfalls and are also considered one of the top eight viewpoints in Japan from the Showa period. Overall, they exist 12 waterfalls, all located under or parallel to a large waterfall, the other two famous waterfalls are Nachi Waterfall in Wakayama Prefecture and Fukuroda Waterfall in Ibaraki Prefecture.
They are especially popular during the fall foliage season when visitors travel to Nikko to admire the golden-orange colors. You can use an elevator there to see everything up close. In winter, the waterfalls even freeze over completely.
Kegon-no-taki Falls (華厳の滝) are spectacular falls that show us their mystic beauty throughout the year.
Kegon-no-taki Falls is one of the Japan’s three greatest falls (Nachi-no-taki, and Fukuroda-no-taki Falls are other two).
One of the most famous waterfalls in Japan is Kegon Falls in Nikko National Park.
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