- 2 min read

Greenvila Auto Campground, Ibaraki

A camping park for the whole family

We had been looking to do an outdoor trip for a while now so when the opportunity came to drive out of Tokyo and away from the metropolis lights and spend a few nights amongst the hills, we took it. My better half, as usual, found the perfect place to take the family and off we went. Destination? Greenvila Auto Campground in Daigo, Ibaraki.

Entrance to the grounds
Entrance to the grounds

Right off the bat, I have to say that this is perhaps the perfect camping ground for travellers with children. Not too large, not too small, Greenvila offers some exceptionally well-maintained and extremely spacious family cabins with plenty of room to run around. Tents sites are clustered at the centre of the grounds while bordering the park are a number of easy walking trails that make for a pleasant nature stroll with the kids.

Tent sites
Tent sites

If you've just turned up with only your vehicle, Greenvila also offers the whole gamut of camping equipment for rent. A small store offers nibbles while the onsite onsen at JPY500 per day is an absolute treasure after a hard day of barbecues and relaxing. However, it probably goes without saying that Greenvila's greatest appeal are the children parks and play areas.

Easy nature trail
Easy nature trail

Visiting in winter, the pools and water park were naturally closed but the athletic ground with its massive jungle gym equipment was very much open for fun. The jewels in the athletic park crown are clearly the 100m-long roller slides. An absolute blast to ride on, make sure you use some sort of firm mat - the rollers can leave an indelible impression on ones posterior...

It's a long ride down
It's a long ride down

With the added bonus of being a convenient 15-minute drive to Ibaraki's spectacular Fukuroda Falls, Greenvila Auto Campground is the perfect place to take the family when fresh air and rolling hills are the order of the day.

Getting there

A drive from Tokyo will take about an hour or so along the 118 Highway.

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Elena Lisina 5 years ago
Really nice place ad blue sky! You were really fortunate!
Sleiman Azizi Author 5 years ago
Can't wait to go back again. Really enjoyed it there.
Kim Bergström 5 years ago
That's one epic roller slide! Definitely looks like some great family fun!
Sleiman Azizi Author 5 years ago
Highly recommended.
Sherilyn Siy 5 years ago
Roller slides are super super fun!
Sleiman Azizi Author 5 years ago
Awesome fun!

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