Chindon Festival 2025

Dancing in the streets of Toyama City

Toyamaken Akasaka Kaikan
Early Apr 2025

At the peak of the cherry blossom season, the annual Chindon spring festival brings life to the city of Toyama. Scores of performers from all around Japan gather in Toyama, dressed in their vividly colored traditional Japanese and modern day costumes. With their musical instruments the performers bring joy and laughter to all the people who watch. Hundreds of people line the streets of Toyama City to see this grand celebration. The original Chindon performers were musicians who were hired to promote businesses and products in the streets, which dates back to the Edo period (1603-1867).

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Don Weiss 3 years ago
Is it on for this April or canceled due to covid?
Kim Bergström 5 years ago
What a lively event!
Elena Lisina 5 years ago
Funny bright make-up! The festivals sounds great.
Bonson Lam 10 years ago
Gaily coloured and full of life, the first Chindon'ya made its way around Osaka around 1845, selling candy like a Japanese pied piper. No wonder they are popular with kids of all ages, even today!
Michael Mighty Author 9 years ago
Thank you Bonson.
Michael Mighty Author 10 years ago
Thank you Trifina.

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