Activities Fairytale Experiences at Nukumori-no-mori rachel teo Nukumori-no-mori is a mystical, woodland village that makes you feel like you’ve wandered into a fairytale land. There are lit..
Activities Exploring the Ryūgashidō Cavern rachel teo The Ryūgaishidō Cavern in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, is one of the largest caves in the Tōkai region. It is about 1 kilom..
Activities Ryotanji Temple and Ryugashido Cave Rey Waters North of Hamamatsu is a day of adventure visiting Ryugashido Limestone Cave and exploring the many shrines and temples in the area...
Culture Hoko-ji Peter Sidell Out in the countryside near Hamamatsu in central Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, Hoko-ji is a beautiful Buddhist temple. Its halls..
Culture Hirano Museum of Art, Hamamatsu Peter Sidell In Hamamatsu in central Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, Hirano Museum of art is a small, charming art museum, with exhibitions..
Culture Hamamatsu City Exploration Rey Waters Hamamatsu City has something for everyone, from music, to shrines and temples, an abundance of museums, a castle, theme restaurants,..
Culture Ryoun-ji in Hamamatsu Peter Sidell In the suburbs of Hamamatsu in central Japan's Shizuoka prefecture, Ryoun-ji is a Buddhist temple where you can see fascinating..