Culture Fujishima Shrine Fujishima Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Fukui, Japan. In the former Modern system of ranked Shinto Shrines, it was a special shrine...
Culture Daianzenji Temple Daianzenji temple (大安禅寺) was built by the 4th lord of Fukui Han, Matsudaira Mitsumichi, in 1658 as a family temple of Fukui Matsudaira Clan.
Culture Echizen Ono Castle Ōno Castle was a Japanese castle located in the city of Ōno Fukui Prefecture, in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Built in the Sengoku period, it was o..
Culture Echizen Daibutsu At a height of 17m the Echizen Daibutsu (越前大仏) is the tallest Buddha statue in a sitting position.
Culture Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum 5 (1Review) Discover your inner paleontologist at Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. This renowned facility is one of the world’s leading dinosaur museums and is..
Culture Ichijodani Asakura Family Historic Ruins The Ichijōdani Asakura Family Historic Ruins are historic ruins located in the Kidonouchi section of the city of Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, in the Hok..
Culture Fukui Prefectural Green Center Fukui Prefectural Green Center (福井総合グリーンセンター, Fukui sōgō gurīnsentā) is a park with a vast recreational space and a botanical garden.
Culture Maruoka Castle Maruoka Castle is a hirayama-style Japanese castle located in the Maruoka neighbourhood of the city of Sakai, Fukui Prefecture, in the Hokuriku regi..