- 3 min read

Sendai Animate

Sendai's one stop shop for all your anime needs!

Animate is considered 'the' shop in Japan for anime related goods. From manga to DVDs, games to goods, if it's new and if it's popular, anime fans are sure to find something that they'll love.

Sendai Animate is actually small considering that it is the city's only shop, but despite the cramped environments, patrons usually pack the narrow aisles during weekends and holidays. This particular Animate, was recently moved from above a fish shop, and is located on the 7th Floor of the Ebeans Building. Animate can be reached from leaving Sendai station from the West exit and walking outside towards Loft. The walkway that runs through the middle of the bus area brings you across the street and near E-beans.

To reach Animate you have to take the escalator up to the 7th floor. Once you're inside, you'll be faced with all the things that the shop has to offer. There is an extensive cosplay section with makeup, wigs and clothing. There are also CDs, Manga, and 'goods' section which will have new items with all your favorite characters.

There is a screening room and an exhibition area, and Sendai's Animate in the new surroundings really make it a great place to spend a little bit of time. Most people head right to the goods section to see what new things are in. The goods are generally arranged by series, so you'll have to hunt a bit to see if there is anything you want. Who knows, you may even see a new series that you'll want to check out!

On the 8th Floor, connected to another shop called Lashinbang, there is Animate Cafe which runs seasonal anime themed food items. These items are only able to be purchased in a special number per hour, so if there is something you want to try, you should try to get there early.

Pictures are not allowed in Animate, so as tempting as it is to snap a few pictures, you could be asked to leave, so use your own discretion if you're snapping a photo of something you just have to send your jealous friend back home. Since Animate gets pretty crowded, take extra care if you're walking through the aisles, and I highly recommend not bringing large suitcases or backpacks inside as you'll pin other customers to the aisles and everyone will be angry as you jostle and bump them. Don't get between an otaku and their goods!

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Justin Velgus 9 years ago
So even Sendai has some pop culture if you know where to look! We need to introduce the maid cafe here, too!
Melissa Hill Author 9 years ago
Let's hope that we can help all the visitors cross off items on their anime goods shopping list!

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