Cooking Sun is a Japanese food cooking school for foreigners. Since December 2013, Cooking Sun hopes to create a new type of experience for tourists by teaching local delicacies in English. The classes are small and friendly and the team welcomes you with smiles and a very warm attitude. Read more about the Cooking Sun experience to get an idea of what to expect. Courses on various typical Japanese meals are offered and all classes last between 2 and 3.5 hours and cost between ¥4,500 and ¥6,800. Book a lesson to learn how to make typical Japanese meals and get new cooking skills!

Kim Bergström
6 years ago
I love all the hands on experiences you can enjoy in Japan - especially the foodie ones where you get to eat what you've made! Delicious!
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George Tan
9 years ago
I would like to learn too!
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Lester Goh
10 years ago
Sounds fun! Although, I would be more interested in a Wagashi-making experience. Do you happen to have any knowledge on that?
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Lester Goh
10 years ago
Ah! Thank you so much Bonson!