I already did a photo story about Daigo Temple in the snow, but I want to share photos that show how lovely it also is in autumn. Autumn foliage glows pond, echoing the red of Bentendo and the bridge. Yellow afternoon light illuminates the yellow leaves on the trees around the pagoda. During the middle of the week there were few other visitors, so the atmosphere was calm and relaxing.
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Laura Weaver
10 years ago
Beautiful! These pictures have made Daigo Temple the top place I'd like to visit. When is it best to visit in your opinion?
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Cathy Cawood
10 years ago
I'm very happy you want to visit there! This temple is special to me because it is one of the first temples I visited after I came to Japan. It is wonderful in every season, but my favorite time is autumn. It gets a bit crowded in spring (like everywhere in Kyoto!) There is a lot more to it than my photos show. If you like hiking, there is a small mountain that is part of the complex, with sacred springs along the trail, many small shrines, and a nice temple at the top. There is also a treasure museum and an enclosed garden with lots of named rocks - some of these ancient Japanese gardeners were really into their pet rocks :-) Whenever you visit I'm sure you'll love it.

Masayoshi Hirose
10 years ago
Splendid! It is solemn scenery.
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Mandy Bartok
10 years ago
Beautiful! Did you take these this year or another time?
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Cathy Cawood
10 years ago
These photos were taken several years ago, in late October I think.
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