Japanese Shikoku's Hotel Kazurabashi Sandra Isaka Shikoku's Hotel Kazurabashi, in Tokushima's Iya Valley, is an excellent way to experience the best of Japan - with ama..
Accommodation An Eco Stay in The Iya Valley Lauren Jade Hill Stay at eco guesthouse, Ku-Nel-Asob, and explore the remote Iya Valley on Shikoku.
7 Accommodation Aho Ren: Dancing Group of Awa Odori Naoko Takeuchi Aho Ren: Dancing group of Awa odori, Tokushima
Accommodation Rediscovering Mottainai Emily Mahon Kamikatsu in Tokushima Prefecture is the location of a zero- waste movement. The Kaikatsu Zero Waste Center is part of the town's..
Accommodation Awa Odori Kaikan Naoko Takeuchi Awa Odori Kaikan: Watch and dance Awa Odori throughout the year!
10 Accommodation A Night in the Mountains Susann Schuster Spend a night in a traditional Japanese house in the mountains.
7 Accommodation Heiki Yashiki Museum of Folklore Sandra Isaka The Heiki Yashiki Museum of Folklore, housed in a traditional Japanese home, exhibits historical artifacts of the Heiki clan who..
11 Hostel Century Plaza Hotel Tokushima Suite Takako Sakamoto This hotel was once the only fashionable, gorgeous hotel in Tokushima...30 years ago! Why don't you indulge yourself in a reasonably-priced..