Accommodation Elegant Run Of the Mill Ryokan in Dogo Anonymous Spa Ryokan Dougoya offers a ryokan-like experience in a stylish 1930s building in Dogo for travelers on a budget.
Accommodation Furuiwayaso Ekaterina Bespyatova Furuiwayaso offers basic accommodation with hot spring bath in a remote mountainous part of Ehime Prefecture. It's close to..
Accommodation Kiya Ryokan Featured Kiya Ryokan in Uwajima is a stylish renewal of a historic inn. Guests can rent the whole building where Japan’s leading politi..
Ryokan Spa Ryokan Dougoya Peter Eberhardt Spa Ryokan Dougoya offers budget accommodation in Dogo with the atmosphere of a traditional ryokan.
Accommodation Uwajima Daiichi Hotel Ekaterina Bespyatova This business hotel with public bath offers basic comfort at the foot of Uwajima Castle.
Western Imabari Kokusai Hotel Mandy Bartok Classy comfort can be found at the Imabari Kokusai Hotel in northern Ehime Prefecture.
Accommodation Hotel Patio Dogo Tony Mariani The Hotel Patio Dogo is a modern, comfortable hotel overlooking Dogo Onsen Honkan.
Accommodation Imabari Station Hotel Anonymous Imabari Station Hotel is a budget hotel located conveniently close to Imabari railway station.